Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Praying for Paul
Last week I put up a post explaining a little bit about what Paul does when he is in the "treehouse" but even I am not fully aware of what they are doing. Whether they are just on "watch" or doing stuff or what but I got an email from Paul yesterday. He is normally gone for about ten days but he had to go to the doctors because he smashed his hand pretty badly. He said it hurt really bad and for several hours he couldn't move his hand. According to him it was the size of a grape fruit. After the Dr. examined it they couldn't tell if it was broken or not because of the swelling but his thumb got the worst of it. Keep praying for Paul and his safety.
Friday, June 23, 2006
My Granma, My Best Friend
I don't tell you this enough, I love you. Throughout my childhood leading up to my adulthood you have set an example and I have looked up to you. I hope that one day I will have the same passion for God as you do. Just thinking of everything we have gone through brings tears and yet a little chuckle to my heart. Thankyou for being my Grandma who watched out for me and inspired me and thankyou for being my friend who laughed, cried and talked when it was needed. I love you.
Granma Garard is special to everyone who has met her. I know this because I have been told this by family and friends. Even my deaf friends who have met her, ask me when they email, "How is Grandma?" Even people who have never met her and have only listened to the stories I have told about my Grandma.
I had the privilage of "taking care'' of Granma during her chemo therapy when she first had to go through it. It was hard to see her struggle. This was a Granma who stood on her own two feet and ran a bed and breakfast. Nothing stopped this Granma. After chemo we would go back to the house and sleep or eat something if she could. We read our Bibles everyday and I would give Granma a lesson from various spiritual books I had brought. We had a "theme" for our time together as we prayed and read God's word. "Never fear an unknown future in the hands of a known God". I do believe this quote came from Corrie Ten Boom.
It was during this time when Granma and I grew together as friends. I learned so much from her by watching her and by listening to her. She is a beautiful person inside and out. I have also learned so much spiritually from her. Here she was going through cancer and chemo but always kept her eyes and her heart on the things of the Lord. My Grandma Garard has touched my heart and my life. I have gone to her several times asking for spiritual advice and what a joy to know that I can do that. Not only is she my Grandma but she is my best friend.
I don't tell you this enough, I love you. Throughout my childhood leading up to my adulthood you have set an example and I have looked up to you. I hope that one day I will have the same passion for God as you do. Just thinking of everything we have gone through brings tears and yet a little chuckle to my heart. Thankyou for being my Grandma who watched out for me and inspired me and thankyou for being my friend who laughed, cried and talked when it was needed. I love you.
Granma Garard is special to everyone who has met her. I know this because I have been told this by family and friends. Even my deaf friends who have met her, ask me when they email, "How is Grandma?" Even people who have never met her and have only listened to the stories I have told about my Grandma.
I had the privilage of "taking care'' of Granma during her chemo therapy when she first had to go through it. It was hard to see her struggle. This was a Granma who stood on her own two feet and ran a bed and breakfast. Nothing stopped this Granma. After chemo we would go back to the house and sleep or eat something if she could. We read our Bibles everyday and I would give Granma a lesson from various spiritual books I had brought. We had a "theme" for our time together as we prayed and read God's word. "Never fear an unknown future in the hands of a known God". I do believe this quote came from Corrie Ten Boom.
It was during this time when Granma and I grew together as friends. I learned so much from her by watching her and by listening to her. She is a beautiful person inside and out. I have also learned so much spiritually from her. Here she was going through cancer and chemo but always kept her eyes and her heart on the things of the Lord. My Grandma Garard has touched my heart and my life. I have gone to her several times asking for spiritual advice and what a joy to know that I can do that. Not only is she my Grandma but she is my best friend.

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Praying For Paul
I got to talk to Paul on the phone at the beginning of this week and he informed me on some of the stuff happening with him. He does go to, what he calls, the treehouse. Its like a watch tower. They are there for about a week sometimes longer. They go back into town and are there for a short while before they are sent back out. Its been a routine for sometime and it appear to stay that way for the time being. Recently Paul was moved into a room with internet access. He was thrilled about that. He had been out of the loop with the rest of the world because the chances of being able to find internet access somewhere near by were slim. Let alone given the chance to do so. I thought this was kind of funny. To make time go faster. Him and other guys bought boxing gloves and have boxing matches. So I am mailing a box with some card games out to him this week. Something different than what they are normally doing in their everyday activities. I know several of you have asked for Paul's email address and mailing address. I do have both. If you are still interested in having them just let me know and I will make sure you get it. Thanks for prayers concerning Paul and all the troops.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
A New Fashion Trend
Have you ever been in such a hurry that while getting dress you didn't pay attention? I grabbed a blue shirt and tan skirt with one silver and one gold flip flop. No I wasn't trying to make a fashion statement. I was simply getting ready for church. I thought I had grabbed two blue flip flop but some how manage grabbing two different colors. What was a little humerous about all of this was the fact that I was at Mel and Karyn's house. Nothing could be done. I arrived to church hoping people wouldn't notice and no one did! Unless they were being super nice by not saying anything. I am not the only one in my family who has done this before. My ever elegant Granma Garard had a moment very similar to mine. She went to a garage sale and was looking around when one of the ladies there mentioned that they loved her outfit. Granma didn't think much of it until she got into the car. She noticed that she had one white and one blue shoe on. The funny part was they actually matched her dress which was blue and white. Oh how I love these moments that Granma and I are prone to have.

Monday, June 12, 2006
Anderson's Japanese Garden

Even though Rockford isn't a tourist town and there isn't much to do except shop there is one place that us Rockfordians can take pride in having, Anderson's Garden. Anderson's Garden is owned by this couple whose house can be seen while touring the Garden. This garden is based on a Japanese garden which is filled with all kinds of plants, waterfalls, ponds and fountains. Not to mention the really cool and unique bridges you get to walk over and the rocks you get to walk on. Today Karyn, Mel and I decided to go there and find our inner peace. Ha... I say that because the guy that we ran into (an employee) made us sit and exmine the trees and told us that people should come to bring harmony into relationships. I have to say I feel so much closer to Karyn and Mel. Wouldn't you agree girls? I had to bring some humor into this blog. Other than that weird moment we had a fun time. It was nice as friends to be able to walk around and enjoy our fellowship with each other. These pictures were taken by Karyn and I have to say, Miss Karyn, pretty impressive. This is one place in Rockford that everyone should make time to visit. I have to say for $5 its

Saturday, June 10, 2006
Wedding: Part Two
Ok.. I took this picture off of Karyn's website so I hope she doens't mind but I know some of my family members have been wanting to see a picture of Grace and Kurt and for now this is the only one available. As soon as we get the other pictures I will post a bunch for all to see.. Enjoy! Don't they look good together.

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Wedding: Part One
For those of you who know me and my family well know that there was a wedding yesterday in the Garard family. My older and only sister got married to Kurt Musgrave. I was somewhat sad but also extremely happy. My whole family is happy for her but now our house is a little empty. Anyways the wedding was amazing. It went perfect. I don't have any pictures for those of who would love to see them but soon I will put up "part two" of this blog. For now I only have a picture of my co
usins and I and one of the other bridesmaid and I. Grace didn't even look nervous walking down the isle. I think dad had more tears in his eyes than Grace did. Of course I was sobbing. I didn't think it was that bad until a lot of people came up to after the wedding saying that they didn't think I would make it. Grace did a very good job telling the coordinators what she wanted for the w
edding and how she wanted it because everything was beautiful. At the end of the night Kurt and Grace left in their limo with one more kiss goodbye for the crowd. I have to admit its still weird to say that Grace is married and now is Grace Musgrave. Well... I'm happy for both of them and I am so thankful to God for bringing them together. I'm also thankful for everyone that came to the wedding especially family members. That meant a lot to Grace to see aunts, uncles and cousins. I have to send a word out to my cousins. It was so much fun having you guys here. All of you were a big help in the wedding. Before, during and after. You guys are awesome! Well as soon as I get some pictures I will post them for those of you who couldn't make it.

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