Saturday, July 14, 2007


My new Blog is

Monday, July 09, 2007

A New Blog

I wanted to let all of you know here at "Secrets of Cheese and Rice" that as of today I started a new blog.

In about a month this particular blog will be shut down and I will be using the one. If you go to it, then read and find out why.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Hello my faithful readers. Although the last couple of weeks, I'm sure you have disappeared seeing how I never write anymore. Sorry about that. So here is an update on my life. :)

First of all I was in Lawton for two weeks. Lawton will be my home in about 4 weeks. I went there thinking I would only be there for a week to put in some applications and look around for apartments. Near the end of the first week I finally ended up at the board of education looking for a job and found one that I was interested in. In Rockford it would be known as a paraprofessional but in Lawton I think its just a teacher's assistant. Anyhoo... its working with kids with disabilities which is what I was aiming for. The person that I had a short interview with asked me to come in the following Monday to bring in more information. So I stayed over the weekend but because of Paul's schedule I ended up staying the rest of the week. I stayed with some of Paul's friends. We were suppose to leave Friday afternoon but because of the rain and flooding, we had to stay put. Saturday, I finally arrived home.

Strange... I just called Oklahoma... home.

I have heard from the job and they are looking forward to interviewing and are excited about my background and what I have experience in. So please pray along as I pray for this job. : )

Paul came this weekend and we all went to Oklahoma City which was a lot of fun. Today was a great day spiritually. I was so convicted during the sermon and was so moved by Christ. After lunch Paul and I had went out to talk about the sermon and some other things as we get closer to a marriage. Then we went to church and talked with Dad for a while. Sunday evening church was just as moving. Although it was so hot in church, I had to move away from Paul because we were both sweating. Ha.

This week Paul hopes to call and get the apartment that we want. : ) I'm very excited about this. Please pray that one of these two apartments are still open. Its also near the couple that I was staying with for two weeks. That is a nice plus, near some people I know.

So that is a short version of what is going on in my life. Please pray for me as I plan my wedding and that all of the details will get done and smoothly.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Things have been moving right along here in Enid. Lots of things going on and at the same time..... not enough to keep my busy.

I love being involved in my dad's church, let alone being with my family at church. I have enjoyed getting to know the members there at Westside and as far as I can tell, they like me! : )

I have applied to several places hoping to get a job for the summer but no one has called yet. I'm thinking tomorrow I'm going to make a run to some of these places and just talk to someone in person. I really need a job. I was hoping to save up money so that Paul and I can have money to put a down payment on our apartment in Lawton. He is hoping to get something in July so that its all ready to go by the time I move there. Something you guys can pray for. :)

I'm actually expecting to go to Lawton in a couple of weeks. I need to take my resume to Human Resources and do some other things while in town. I've met a few people there on post already. There was a particular couple that I enjoyed meeting. Lawton is an interesting place. I wouldn't say its the most beautiful city in America but its where God has led Paul so for that I'll be thankful.

Grace and I have been going to Monday night bible study with some of the local girls in Enid and one girl (Kendi) from our church. Grace has been leading it. Last week we got a list of the attributes of God and we had to look up verses that described these things. This week we got names of God. We looked up a few during bible study and talked about them and then closed with a prayer. For the next week we have to look up the other verses and find verses on our own and bring them to bible study next week. I've been really enjoying this bible study. I especially have been enjoying meeting different people. Most of these girls are in high school. There is also another leader from another baptist church in town who has been helping, Wendy. Her and Grace are about the same age and have become friends.

I do ask that you'll keep some of these things in your prayers. Thank you my friends for emailing me and staying in contact with me (Rockfordians). I feel loved and missed.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cookies to Feel Better

My mom, Grace and I went out to dinner to Applebees with some ladies from the church. We enjoyed our time very much. A time filled with laughter, prayer, and lots of food. We came home only to find dad pitifully sitting on a chair who had a bad day. It went something like this.

Dad couldn't get his socks off because the previous day he had stepped on class and it cut the top of his foot. Well it was more like a sliced of skin. Gross. Blood was everywhere. So today his socks were dried to the blood on his foot, he hesitated to take his socks off. I was sitting near by where inch by inch he was slowly taking his sock off. After getting it all the way off and only had one part stuck to the wound he decided he needed to just rip it off. He counted. 1, 2, 3!!!! As he ripped it off and screamed from the pain he smacked his knuckles really hard on the coffee table on the way up. Then he started screaming from a different kind of pain and rocked back and forth. Now there was blood from the foot and swollen knuckles from the hand. Mom came over and tended to his "wound" and he screamed once more because she had touched it too hard and he declared she didn't know because it wasn't her wound.

After this drama he then told us about his sad dinner. He had grilled cheese and tomato soup. During the dinner he dropped his soup and broke glass everywhere so he had to clean it all up and went back to a cold grilled cheese sandwich. Then he looked at me really sad like and said,

"So... I ate some cookies to feel better."

Monday, May 21, 2007


"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOklahoma where the winds go... da da da da... nana nana nana na daada daaaa!!!"

I never know the words of that song but that one part and I alway just mumble or hum the rest. Ha.

Anyways, I made it in Enid, Oklahoma and so far, I'm liking it. I have lots to do today and this week. Finding a full time job is one of them. I have a few places in mind but please pray that the Lord will provide a job and that I will take whatever he provides me with without complaining.

I had a nice visit with my fiance, Paul, this weekend. It was so nice to see him and its nice that I'll see him again this weekend. Saying "goodbye" is no longer an issue... I just say, "See you later!"

Everyone at Dad's church were so nice and welcoming. I even had a welcome to Enid spagetti dinner which was delish by the way. Its so nice to be in dad's church and with my family again... even if we are all under one roof. Scary.

Anyways.. Thank you for your prayers as I traveled.. now lets pray until the wedding.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bridal Shower

I wanted to say thank you to Mrs. Aschers, Mrs. Jane Cook, and Melody for putting together a wonderful bridal shower for me. I had a wonderful time and I really enjoyed seeing all of my friends from the past and present. Also a big thanks for those of you who could make it, I loved having a chance to talk to you. I felt very special that all of you showed up, not to mention loved. Thank you for all of the wonderful gifts. I can't wait to put them into my future home.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Rock River Adventure

There has been a list of things for me to do before I move to Oklahoma from my home of 21 years, Rockford, Illnois. One thing I've been wanting to do (because my roommate has connections) is to go water sking. I have gone before but all were "sorry" situations and I never had a chance to really prove myself. The family Melody (the roommate) works for owns a boat have a pair of double water skis and offered to take me out on the river. I've posted several photos of this event. I mangaged to get up twice but only to fall quickly there after but both standing up adventures were triumphs in my book!! Mel only managed to get a picture of me falling from one of those times.

Even though I had a great time, I have to say that I'm sore from head to toe... But I'm glad I went. Also to end a great day on the river, I went tubing with one of the family's kid. Which was relaxing and fun.

**Of course MANY funny things happened from this glorious day, if you are interested go to my roommates blog and check it out.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Squirrel, The Mop, and The Broom

I was sitting in my room talking to Paul on the phone. As we were in deep discussion I heard a knock on my door. I looked and Mel with quite an expression on her face said, "There is a squirrel on the basement stairs!"

At first I had to repeat what she said a couple of times, just to make sure. I hung up with Paul and ran down the stairs. As I arrived downstairs Mel was putting garden gloves on and was going to lure it into a bag. I looked down the stairs and saw a bushy tail and then a head. Two eyes looking at me. I decided to call dad. The advice he offered was not to do what Mel had in mind. After hanging up with dad, Mel and I created a plan. A plan that had to work.

We have a white dresser that sits in the dining room. We moved it in front of the kitchen door so it couldn't go into the dining room. I got a chair from the dining room so I could stand on it. The fear of the squirrel eating my ankles overwhelmed me. Mel sat on the counter with the broom. I had the mop. I opened the basement door and the squirrel wasn't moving. So we stood outside on the back porch... waiting... nothing. I decided to wait in the recycle bin.. overwhelmed once again of the thought of having my ankles nawed on. After some time went by of waiting, I went back inside and stared at him on the stairs.

Finally it came into the kitchen. I quickly shut the basement door and it crawled under a small bookshelf. I moved outside again while Mel with the broom (while standing on the chair) trying to push it out. Eventually it came out and didn't really know what to do with itself. He ran under the oven which was set at 400 degrees. ROASTED SQUIRREL!! Mel came up with the brilliant plan of feeding it dog treats. The squirrel was really into Buddy's pink ball and followed it around. Mel stuck the treats on the floor and it chomped away. During all of this the squirrel kind of squandered and Mel screamed and scurried to the left and right.

My final move was to the backstairs (by the back door) and the squirrel went out the door. People the squirrel has left the building!

Friday, May 04, 2007

God is so Good

As of right now the wedding plans are going great. God has been gracious in many ways, providing a lot of things. More recently God provided in a way that was unsuspected. There was something that I wanted to do (special) for someone at the wedding but certain things prevented me from doing this. Although this person was so kind and so good (not to mention patient) about the situation, I still felt like it wasn't enough. I wanted to do something in return. After complaining inwardly about it and not being satisfied, I started asking God to help me accept the things I couldn't change. Even though I was still feeling disappointed and not fully gracious towards God for the things he has been providing (basically drowning in my sin), God gave me the resources to be able to do this thing. Last night I was with a family friend (Boekes) that made it possible. Simply as a gift. Tears came down our faces. Especially when I realized that God was giving something that I did not deserve considering my behavior. God was gracious to me. Isn't our God so kind?

Thank you Jenna and Jeremy : )

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A Karyn Moment

I have a brief story about Karyn that I would like to share with my readers. Karyn was busy making cookies this late afternoon in the kitchen when I heard her kind of grunt and sigh and talking to herself. I looked over and after she had used the mixer, she took off the beaters to wash them but for some reason, threw them in the garbage instead. Huh. Well.. then.. she had to reach in the garbage and take them out.

I'm sure we all have had moments like these, where we stuck something in the fridge or threw a shoe when we meant to through a ball...... hmm

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Car Ride

This past Saturday on the 28th, Annie (roomate) and I had to drive to Dixon to pick up a friend to come and stay with us for the night. I got to drive on the way there when all of the sudden a horrible sound came from the car. I turned off the music and told Annie that the car was making an awful sound like something had dropped and was being dragged along the pavement. Annie instructed to pull over and she would jump out and inspect the car. As I sat in the car waiting for answers, I could see Annie laughing and shaking her hands and head in the rearview mirror. I knew something was up. I jumped out of the car and looked down... yes... we had a flat. I got to change a tire for the first time in my life! It was so exciting. As Annie jacked the car up and switched tires I got to put the bolts on and tighten them. Once the tire had been changed we got back in the car and I noticed a drop a blood on my knee and grease on my leg. I thought it was the coolest thing ever! At the same time I noticed a kid (mid 20s) in a van who had turned around and told us to roll down our windows. Annie rolled it down and the next few words that came out of the kid's mouth was not expected.

"Do you girls know you put that tire on backwards!?"

We both got out of the car and again and stared at the tire. I didn't notice anything wrong but Annie did. I even asked the guy, "How do you know?" He looked at me like I was questioning him and said, "I've done this many times."

Annie was increasingly irritated with this guy and instructed him to make himself useful by loosening the bolts. Which he did and then we told him to go and we had it under control. Alas the tire was changed and on correctly. I know how to change a tire and our mistake of putting it on backwards will only teach me the next time.

Monday, April 23, 2007

One Time Isn't Enough

Ok.. I'm sure a while back some of you can remember when I posted something about getting into a car accident (s). Of course one accident wasn't enough and 30 minutes later I was in another one.


Today was the third time of locking my keys in the car. The first time I was in a hurry and didn't think much of it and left them sitting on the floor of the car. I'm not sure why I threw them on the floor, locked the door, and shut it. Doesn't make sense but I honestly don't remember doing any of that. So.. Joab the officer came (from public safety) and unlocked my car and jokingly told me to never do that again.

The second time I remember thinking to myself... put your keys in the purse, Barbara. I did. But I guess I didn't tell myself... pick up your purse, Barbara. I left my purse sitting on the floor. Sighs... so Jeff the officer came. Actually I flagged him down while he was driving around on campus and told him to follow me to my van.

The third time was today. I had several bags to take to class today and I thought I grabbed them all. No. I left my purse sitting on the floor again. I went to class and decided to worry about it later. I called public safety after class and Jeff (again) the officer came and helped. He chuckled and said, "I remember this van with the stickers!".

So... when you see me do or say something once that was a mistake.. just wait.. it'll happen again because for Barb Garard.. one time isn't enough.

*Did I mention that all three times happened in one month??

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Few of My Non-favorite Things

Lots to do this week and lots to do next week. But according to my roomates, everyone has to do it. School. I have 2 papers to work on this weekend that are due next week. I have an extra credit paper due today and an appointment at 9 am. I have a Dr. appt. on Friday which is causing me to miss my Geology class (no complaints). I have two exams next week. I have a quiz (which is really a test) this Friday. I have lots of reading and research to do. People want answers, I don't have them. Just yesterday my throat started to hurt and nose started to run. I wake up this morning and its worse. I need to do laundry. I need to clean my room. I'm leaving in a couple of weeks. My breath stinks. I need to love God and stop complaining. These days are God given days. Just pray for me as I make it through my last couple of weeks of school. Then mom, Grace, and I start the wedding planning which is what I'm really looking forward to.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Talkin Deaf

Tonight I enjoyed a brief visit with my lovable Deb Myers. We were laughin and kickin and just having a grand ole time. Amanda, Deb, and I had much to talk about. We ended up talking about sign language and how I learned it. Deb asked a wonderful question and seriously wanted an answer.

"So... when you were learnin sign language and all... did your mom talk deaf to you??"

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happiness... with a side of change

Change. Change is hard but good. But us believers have to be careful. Although change can be good or is happening for good, it can cause our sins to rise to the surface. Pastor Bob spoke about change on Sunday night. Although I was in the nursery that night, I heard about it from several people after church.

I'm going to be going through a lot of change in the next month and in the next few months. I'm leaving my home. But I'm leaving my home for a new home. This house I'm in now has been my home since I was a weeee little baby. Seems like it was just yesterday when I was running around the table and dad was chasing me. I get a good laugh when I think about all the memories this house holds. Its sad to leave this home but my home isn't here... nor will it be in Enid, or Lawton. My home is with my Father in heaven. Home is such a comforting word in many ways.

I'm also going through the change of churches. Even though I've only been a member at Morning Star Baptist for 4 years.... Those 4 years seem like 10 years. I've grown so close to everyone in that church. I've had a wonderful pastor who wasn't afraid to not only step on my toes (through his preaching) but stomp. I look up to the ladies at MorningStar on so many levels. As wives, mothers, sisters, and friends. I have developed many friendships at this church that I know will be here waiting when I come and visit. 4 years ago when ouor church started I was hurting with the rest of the church, but now I'm rejoicing and would through it again and again. Because of Pastor Bob's preaching I have been convicted time and time again and not to mention that I look at my sin and my life on earth completely different than I have ever had before. Thank you MorningStar. Thank you Pastor Bob.

* But watch out Dad (Pasta Mark) I'm coming to be apart of your church.

Finally I'm going through the change of families. Of course I will always have my family but I'm starting my own. Its exciting but its change. I want this change but more than anything I've been praying that I take Christ with me in this change. I hope you will pray as well. At the same time, I hope you can rejoice with Paul and I. Hope??? Some of you might be glad I'm off of your hands.. Ha.

All in all change is good but pray that I react to the change in a holy manner and not to let my sin rise to the surface. Which I'm sure it will so just pray for God's Grace.

Monday, April 09, 2007

All "Tangled" Up

Ok.. so this morning something happened that was painful but (slightly) funny. But for my readers I know you will get either a good laugh or smile. I had gotten up at 5:30am to start my homework for the day. After doing some notes I ran and jumped in the shower. While I was blow drying my hair (while using a round brush) my brush got stuck in my hair. At first, I wasn't alarmed. Until I started tugging at it. "OUCH! Its actually stuck!" After a few minutes of sheer panic, I got myself to settle down. I pulled and yanked and tried everything. I was becoming very frustrated. I stood and looked in my mirror, I looked pathetic. My brush was stuck in my hair!! My eyes started to tear up and I decided I needed help. I made my way down to mother Karyn's room. I had to wake her up and I'm sure being woke up by your roomate claiming that their brush is stuck in their hair was almost unrealistic for a moment. After ten minutes, Karyn finally went and got a bobby pin and had to weave my hair out of the brush. Too much drama at 6 am in the morning. Now its about 5:00 pm and my head is actually sore. I think that brush is going in the garbage.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Thirsty Hands

Tonight at Morning Star Baptist it was a little warm in the church. To top it off, I was dressed for a snow storm so I was pretty warm. Plus I was signing for Annie in the church. So... as you can imagine, I kept getting warmer. During the service I stood up to get a drink of water thinking it might help. It did, to some degree.

After church we had a fellowship for several reasons. As I was leaving Mr. Ascher (for those of you who don't know, he is the gentleman smiling in the picture in the post below or before this one) called out my name from afar. I walked over to him and bend in to hear him better among all the happy chattering downstairs. With a smile on his face he said, "I just had to share with you that tonight when you stood up to get a drink of water, I thought to myself... her hands must be thirsty.. HAHAHAHAHA".... Of course I laughed along... too funny!!! That comment, Mr. Ascher, totally made my day. Thank you!

Friday, March 23, 2007

A Night at the Aschers

I could explain all the things that happened tonight at the Aschers but I think the pictures will explain it better than I ever could. I will say that we enjoyed a nice dinner and then a card game. Although things could have gotten more wild than it did tonight but everyone was tired from a long week. Enjoy.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick Day!!

The Kilt and Clover is one of the greatest stores in Rockford. This store is based on Irish and Scottish imports. I always love going in there just browsing. I got my bridesmaids earrings in there and many other things. Today they hosted a traditional Irish dance. Here are some pictures of the girls performing. Whether you are Irish, Swedish or German.... this store is meant for everyone who love Ireland.

Chop It Off!

"That lady on the dandruff commercial has awesome hair!!"

So.. off I went to the mall with Mel to chop my hair off. As I got there I looked at books and choose a hair style. My hair has never been this short. But hey.... I was feeling adventurous. Then Mel decided to chop her hair off. There we were side by side getting our hair done.

Here is the outcome:

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Typical Day in the Kitchen

I just had to share this little story with you. When I'm in one of my "moods" I tend to get careless and goofy. Both Mel and I were in the kitchen doing our own things. Mel was getting ready to do the dishes and I was getting left over soup for lunch. Before starting the dishes Mel decided to eat a cookie. She pops a cookie in her mouth as she starts the dishes. I go to open the bowl with the soup and "blerrrrp" (the actual sound it made) onto the stove. There goes the soup. As I spill Mel is screaming of hair in her mouth. Of course this freaked her. Not caring about her soapy hands she sticks her fingers in her mouth and realizes she now has apple green dish soap taste. Which is worse... hair... soap?? I wonder. Finally she succeeds in getting the hair out but now Mel is rinsing her mouth out because of the soap taste. In the mean time my soup is warming up in the microwave and the timer goes off. I reach in and grab the bowl. AHHHH!! HOT!! So I ran to the stove, practically spiiling my soup again but I managed. In the mean time Mel and I realized what happened in a matter of five minutes and shared a good laugh. : )

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I just recieved news that Paul got his orders. He is leaving in 6 days for Oklahoma!! God has answered prayers and he did it in His time which was the right time. Keep praying. Pray that everything happens and works out smoothily.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragment.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Praying for Paul

Paul finally got to talk with someone. They hadn't done anything with orders previous to this meet. From my understanding they are going to "get with it" and make sure he gets orders. He said something about possibly be heading the states near the end of March. Lets pray that the Army stick to their words this time.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Praying for Paul

Just a reminder for all of you who have been praying to keep on praying. Paul still has no orders. The answers to why he is still waiting is unclear. Only God knows why. Paul does plan on calling some people tomorrow to see if any answers can be found. Please pray for him tonight and tomorrow.

Monday, February 12, 2007


After US History class this morning I made my way to Rock Valley College's atrium. I marched myself over to a table and set up camp. I moved a table across next to a wall (making all kinds of noise). I then proceeded to plug in my laptop and poor out my books on the table. For the next three hours I read material and started my History research paper. It was nearing 2pm and it was time for my next class. After class I went to a hall area and asked some people sitting there about double spacing on my laptop. The person next to me had the same laptop and tried to help me but no success. Someone else tried to find it and no success. Some of you who are reading this are thinking, "Duh Barb! Go to format and click on paragraph and then go to line spacing!" Nope. It doesn't exist. After playing around with it myself, I just happened to come across something that leads you to double spacing (or I should say providently). After all of that I went to open my paper and it was NO WHERE to be found. I looked and looked and the same group of people came back to my computer and tried to look for it. Sighs... nothing. I'm sitting on my bed about to start my paper over again. The Lord is teaching me something. Patience and not to become angry. Accepting it and just moving on. Give glory back to Christ. Even in losing a paper and having to start over agian.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Praying for Paul

Today is a start of a new week. Paul was told last week to call again this week to see if orders came in. He called everyday last week. Each day he was given the same answer. Nothing, call again tomorrow. Please pray for Paul this week as he starts yet another week of phone calls. Pray that he doesn't grow restless but remains in Faith and waits patiently. As well as the others who are waiting for an answer.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Praying for Paul

Nothing much has changed concerning Paul. Every time I talk to him there is a new date of when he should find out when and where he is leaving. I think you are all starting to understand what I mean when I say, things are on the army's time. Just keep praying. Pray that we will find out this week where Paul is going for sure. Pray that Paul could get Oklahoma. Pray that we accept God's will no matter what happens in the end. Thanks for keeping Paul in your prayers.

Wedding Dress: Second Attempt

Well, some things have changed since my last post of the "Wedding Dress". Yes, I found a dress but as the days went by I realized that there were some things about the previous dress I didn't like. I found a great price for a dress that other issues slipped my mind. Nicely enough, my father pointed those out for me (thanks dad!) But the Lord was gracious again and provided something better. It was still at a great price and this time I felt more like a bride while standing in the mirror.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Random Moments, By: Amanda and Barb

Wow... look at the snow. In one window it looks like flurries but in the other its like.. BLIZZARD.
i think i like coffee
Look candels with snowflakes
Barb, darling. candles is le no el. =)
My face is red. I feel hot. Why is it warm in here. Too many lights are shining. Maybe they'll turn some off for the sake of my red face.
maybe they will charge you on your new skype account.. okay, but for real, i like the lights, its like they are candy dripping from the ceiling. ya know like dip n dots
DIP N DOTS!!!!! You know one time Mel and I were walking through the mall and we saw "dip n dots" and the side said, "Icecream of the future" but like it has said that for about four years now. So how much longer will it be "Icecream of the future"?
hahaaa barb, dont snort in public, they are on too us. they are gonna find out we are just nerds with blonde hair.
Hey Manda, it stopped snowing!! Hey Manda, Da Bears!!!
*Sighs*.... When will it end??
You slapped me. Ouch. Paul!!!
we cant post this, Barb seriously.. Paul is oversees, through the woods, dreaming of grandmothers house...
But this is a normal conversation that happens between us. My nails are dirty
keep it clean, Pink.
Coffee almost came out your nostrials
nostrils, barb. not nos trials. ur killin me, bill.
Whatev. Whoo the screen went black.... my toes are cold
u are not posting this.

*You were at your own risk while reading this. If you were unable to follow along then.... try being us.

Amanda Myers (Don't put my last name Barb!) and Barb Garard (The future Mrs. Calhoun)

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Even the Little Things... a wedding dress, the Lord provides. I hadn't expected anything today and the Lord knew where to lead me.

Mel, Annie and I started on the road to Janesville at about 1pm this afternoon. Vera's was "the" place to go. The dresses were beautiful and cheap, so I heard. They were great prices but none of the dresses stuck out to me. I was kind of disappointed. Since we had left a wedding shop in record time we decided to head over to, "Great Hang Ups". I wasn't really expecting to find anything but little did I know. Not only did I find something but it was also only $150.00! It was the perfect dress in everyway. I was worried about wedding dresses being so expensive and I knew I had to keep it at a low price. I thought because of a lower price I would have to "settle" for something not as great. The minute I put the dress on and saw the price. I knew I wasn't just "settling" for anything. This was the "one"!!

Even in things like buying wedding dresses, the Lord provides.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Praying for Paul

I was told by members of my church to post something as soon as I heard something. Its not much but Paul did let me know this morning that he has re-enlisted and will receive his orders later next week. In the message, he made it sound like he still doesn't know for sure where he will end up. So perhaps Texas isn't the only possibility. Like I said, I don't have all the details. Lets keep praying!!!

Thank you

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Praying for Paul

The Lord is keeping us on our knees. Once agian Paul wasn't able to get in touch with the person he wanted to see. I know in the Army moments like these are normal. But God has been teaching me a lesson of patience and that everything truly does come in His time, not ours. Sure.. right now it would be great if we could hear something more solid and get a direct answer but then what spiritual lesson would I be learning? God knows what both Paul and I need. Growth. SO... lets keep praying. Paul is going to try again on Thursday.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Praying for Paul

I know today all of you were keeping Paul in your prayers. Although, I need you guys to keep praying. Paul wasn't able to go and re-enlist today because the particular guy he wanted to see wasn't there. He will try again tomorrow. So keep praying..

Thank you

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Praying for Paul:

I talked to Paul tonight and here is a brief update concerning Paul and waiting for Monday to come. He had overnight duty of sitting at the desk in the hall and was falling asleep so he called me to help keep him awake. He told me that as of right now for the past 3 months (Fort Hood, Texas) hasn't been rejecting anyone transfering to them. So the guy told him that there was pretty much a 98.8% chance of him going and leaving as soon as the end of Feburary and the latest of April. But he is still in need of prayer. We are all well aware how fast things can change with the Army but God is more powerful than any decision that the Army makes. So lets keep praying.

*Thanks again for your prayers.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Praying for Paul

Romans 8:28-29

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

I've gone through several personal trials and every single time, my father reminded me of this verse. I was once again brought to this verse last night.

Two nights ago at our Wednesday night prayer meeting, Chris Metras read out of 1 Peter. It was a humble reminder that when we go through trials we are to bring all the glory to Christ. That night I went home and prayed to God our Father that both Paul and I as a couple would continue to grow and desire to serve Christ. God brought that opportunity the very next day.

Paul called me yesterday to inform me that he was going back to Iraq (most likely in November). The first thing that came to mind was my prayer and then I reminded Paul that we needed to trust God in this situation. Paul also told me of a possible "back door" out of this situation. It would involve re-enlisting. If he were to stay with his normal leave it would put his leave on hold and send him to Iraq for another year to a year and a half. If he re-enlisted and ask to transfer to the states, he would have two more years and more than likely not have to go to Iraq. Both of us encouraged each other to pray but in the end I encouraged him to go with the second choice. Paul received a lot of spiritual encouragement and advice from his dad and my dad.

I know an email was sent out to my church to pray and I thank you so much for praying. The Lord heard our prayers. This morning Paul informed me that it looked like he could be transfered to Texas. Monday he will go and re-enlist and hopefully next week sometime get more solid information about when and where he would go. Please keep praying for Paul. God has been gracious. I had to constantly remind myself that God was in control. There was nothing Paul or I could do. Except trust God. God brought us closer to him in prayers and in reading his word. He answered two of my prayers. My prayer to make us stronger and my prayer to provide this other opportunity for Paul to keep him out of Iraq.

Thank you for all of your encouragement and prayers. I will let you know if anything changes. Also just as a public announcement. I know I have already talked to several friends about being in my wedding. As of right now, all wedding plans are changed and/or "put on hold" until further notice. I'll be moving to Oklahoma after graduation. Either waiting for Paul's return or to be closer to him.

*Just remember that the Army is the Army. Nothing is final until its on paper and things are being done about it.

Keep praying

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow!"

Yes, the sun will come out tomorrow. Annie is coming to Rockford. Most of you will know what I'm talking about. Others, well I'm sure are lost. Annie is one of my best friends who I was roomates with in High School (Illnois School for the Deaf). She also lived with my family for a semester in Rockford. Currently Annie felt a need to be in a good church and around good friends. She felt she could find that here in Rockford. Annie fell in love with everyone at Morning Star Baptist and I'm sure the feeling is mutual for everyone at church. For a while we all struggled on knowing when Annie would finally be moving to Rockford. She is coming Saturday. Please pray as Annie starts her new job and gets everything moved in to our home. Annie has a meeting with people from work tomorrow (1-17-07) and she'll be stopping by to drop some of her things to the house. There are now four girls living in one house. Scary times are ahead. So far I have had no problems so I'm sure having Annie in the house will just be added fun and conversation. Welcome Annie!!!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Motivation to Move

This morning I was feeling so crummy that I didn't make it to church. I pretty much felt sorry for myself all day. I was actually quite pathetic. After doing my fair share of crying and sinning I realized that what I was doing was.. well.. sinning. So I prayed and asked God to give me grace to snap out of it. About three this afternoon, I took a shower and got ready for church. I still wasn't feeling the greatest but was determined to go to church. I needed it. I'm glad I did. The minute I entered the church doors I felt ten times better. Of course the sermon was something I needed to hear. Pastor Larry Pauly preached on motivation. Exactly what I needed! Its amazing the way God works. Knowing exactly what light bulb needed to be turned on in my head. Also being greeted by everyone in church was extremely uplifting. Earlier today I was feeling sick and homesick for my parents. By the end of the night I felt spiritually convicted and loved my family in my own church.

Lost and FOUND!

My luggage was returned to me at 10:45pm. I was thrilled yet very much tired when I got it last night. I went to bed and then woke up sick. I hate missing church. Hopefully I will be better by this afternoon and can go tonight. I haven't been to my church for 4 weeks! I miss everyone!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I lost my carry on luggage?

Yes.. I did. Who knew that one was able to loose their carry on luggage by simply.. not getting it. Sighs. My luggage has yet to arrive home. Yesterday ended my four week vacation. I can easily say I'm happy to be home but I was sad to see Paul go. Another year of prayers and patience. I took on a carry on suitcase while flying back home with all of my "important" things. Just in case I was to loose the other suitcase that I had checked. Well.. when it came time to get off the plane and pick up my carry on luggage.. I didn't pick it up. I left it for the airport people. I didn't even noticed until I got down to the baggage claim and picked up my other suitcase. After filing a lost luggage report they told me they would bring it by my home tomorrow. Well... (sighs) today is tomorrow and still no luggage. I'm learning that even in the little things.. such as lost luggage God is in control. Along with the bigger things that God has put in our lives. So.. after calling Dad and being reminded of these things, I decided that there is nothing I can do. But have faith. Even in lost luggage, God is in control. I was trying to be God by dealing and controling the situation. Wake up call Barb! You're not God... so stop it.

Here are some other final pictures from my trip over the weeks. I'm very thankful for Paul's parents for making this trip possible. I'm also blessed by God for keeping us safe and granting us a wonderful time together.

Paul, Mercy and I making our gingerbread house