First they called me.
Then, dad screamed my name and mom waved her arms around.
Dad called Grace screaming and laughing. Grace then screamed and announced to Kurt and his parents.
Then he called his dad to shout the news.
Both of these phone calls consited of, "AHHHHH! HE HE HE HO HE HE HA HA HO HO. I WON. I WON. HE HE HE HA HA HA HO HO HE HE HE!!"
Yes, after all these years, dad finally won Signal Hill (neighborhood) 's Garden of the Month. Signal Hill which is the ever so clever name of our neighborhood has these "garden of the month" recognitions. This is where the "chairmans" go around looking at the different garden's of the neighborhood and put signs out in the garden that is deemed most worthy. Year after year the cute neighbor down the street got the sign. Well.. watch "cute neighbor" the old neighbor gets his chance to shine. So after many years of working in the garden its finally paying off.
Signal Hill's "Garden of the Month" -- Mr Mark Garard's home on 522 Napoleon St.