Wow... look at the snow. In one window it looks like flurries but in the other its like.. BLIZZARD.
i think i like coffee
Look candels with snowflakes
Barb, darling. candles is le no el. =)
My face is red. I feel hot. Why is it warm in here. Too many lights are shining. Maybe they'll turn some off for the sake of my red face.
maybe they will charge you on your new skype account.. okay, but for real, i like the lights, its like they are candy dripping from the ceiling. ya know like dip n dots
DIP N DOTS!!!!! You know one time Mel and I were walking through the mall and we saw "dip n dots" and the side said, "Icecream of the future" but like it has said that for about four years now. So how much longer will it be "Icecream of the future"?
hahaaa barb, dont snort in public, they are on too us. they are gonna find out we are just nerds with blonde hair.
Hey Manda, it stopped snowing!! Hey Manda, Da Bears!!!
*Sighs*.... When will it end??
You slapped me. Ouch. Paul!!!
we cant post this, Barb seriously.. Paul is oversees, through the woods, dreaming of grandmothers house...
But this is a normal conversation that happens between us. My nails are dirty
keep it clean, Pink.
Coffee almost came out your nostrials
nostrils, barb. not nos trials. ur killin me, bill.
Whatev. Whoo the screen went black.... my toes are cold
u are not posting this.
*You were at your own risk while reading this. If you were unable to follow along then.... try being us.
Amanda Myers (Don't put my last name Barb!) and Barb Garard (The future Mrs. Calhoun)
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Even the Little Things... a wedding dress, the Lord provides. I hadn't expected anything today and the Lord knew where to lead me.
Mel, Annie and I started on the road to Janesville at about 1pm this afternoon. Vera's was "the" place to go. The dresses were beautiful and cheap, so I heard. They were great prices but none of the dresses stuck out to me. I was kind of disappointed. Since we had left a wedding shop in record time we decided to head over to, "Great Hang Ups". I wasn't really expecting to find anything but little did I know. Not only did I find something but it was also only $150.00! It was the perfect dress in everyway. I was worried about wedding dresses being so expensive and I knew I had to keep it at a low price. I thought because of a lower price I would have to "settle" for something not as great. The minute I put the dress on and saw the price. I knew I wasn't just "settling" for anything. This was the "one"!!
Even in things like buying wedding dresses, the Lord provides.
Mel, Annie and I started on the road to Janesville at about 1pm this afternoon. Vera's was "the" place to go. The dresses were beautiful and cheap, so I heard. They were great prices but none of the dresses stuck out to me. I was kind of disappointed. Since we had left a wedding shop in record time we decided to head over to, "Great Hang Ups". I wasn't really expecting to find anything but little did I know. Not only did I find something but it was also only $150.00! It was the perfect dress in everyway. I was worried about wedding dresses being so expensive and I knew I had to keep it at a low price. I thought because of a lower price I would have to "settle" for something not as great. The minute I put the dress on and saw the price. I knew I wasn't just "settling" for anything. This was the "one"!!
Even in things like buying wedding dresses, the Lord provides.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Praying for Paul
I was told by members of my church to post something as soon as I heard something. Its not much but Paul did let me know this morning that he has re-enlisted and will receive his orders later next week. In the message, he made it sound like he still doesn't know for sure where he will end up. So perhaps Texas isn't the only possibility. Like I said, I don't have all the details. Lets keep praying!!!
Thank you
Thank you
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Praying for Paul
The Lord is keeping us on our knees. Once agian Paul wasn't able to get in touch with the person he wanted to see. I know in the Army moments like these are normal. But God has been teaching me a lesson of patience and that everything truly does come in His time, not ours. Sure.. right now it would be great if we could hear something more solid and get a direct answer but then what spiritual lesson would I be learning? God knows what both Paul and I need. Growth. SO... lets keep praying. Paul is going to try again on Thursday.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Praying for Paul
I know today all of you were keeping Paul in your prayers. Although, I need you guys to keep praying. Paul wasn't able to go and re-enlist today because the particular guy he wanted to see wasn't there. He will try again tomorrow. So keep praying..
Thank you
Thank you
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Praying for Paul:
I talked to Paul tonight and here is a brief update concerning Paul and waiting for Monday to come. He had overnight duty of sitting at the desk in the hall and was falling asleep so he called me to help keep him awake. He told me that as of right now for the past 3 months (Fort Hood, Texas) hasn't been rejecting anyone transfering to them. So the guy told him that there was pretty much a 98.8% chance of him going and leaving as soon as the end of Feburary and the latest of April. But he is still in need of prayer. We are all well aware how fast things can change with the Army but God is more powerful than any decision that the Army makes. So lets keep praying.
*Thanks again for your prayers.
I talked to Paul tonight and here is a brief update concerning Paul and waiting for Monday to come. He had overnight duty of sitting at the desk in the hall and was falling asleep so he called me to help keep him awake. He told me that as of right now for the past 3 months (Fort Hood, Texas) hasn't been rejecting anyone transfering to them. So the guy told him that there was pretty much a 98.8% chance of him going and leaving as soon as the end of Feburary and the latest of April. But he is still in need of prayer. We are all well aware how fast things can change with the Army but God is more powerful than any decision that the Army makes. So lets keep praying.
*Thanks again for your prayers.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Praying for Paul
Romans 8:28-29
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
I've gone through several personal trials and every single time, my father reminded me of this verse. I was once again brought to this verse last night.
Two nights ago at our Wednesday night prayer meeting, Chris Metras read out of 1 Peter. It was a humble reminder that when we go through trials we are to bring all the glory to Christ. That night I went home and prayed to God our Father that both Paul and I as a couple would continue to grow and desire to serve Christ. God brought that opportunity the very next day.
Paul called me yesterday to inform me that he was going back to Iraq (most likely in November). The first thing that came to mind was my prayer and then I reminded Paul that we needed to trust God in this situation. Paul also told me of a possible "back door" out of this situation. It would involve re-enlisting. If he were to stay with his normal leave it would put his leave on hold and send him to Iraq for another year to a year and a half. If he re-enlisted and ask to transfer to the states, he would have two more years and more than likely not have to go to Iraq. Both of us encouraged each other to pray but in the end I encouraged him to go with the second choice. Paul received a lot of spiritual encouragement and advice from his dad and my dad.
I know an email was sent out to my church to pray and I thank you so much for praying. The Lord heard our prayers. This morning Paul informed me that it looked like he could be transfered to Texas. Monday he will go and re-enlist and hopefully next week sometime get more solid information about when and where he would go. Please keep praying for Paul. God has been gracious. I had to constantly remind myself that God was in control. There was nothing Paul or I could do. Except trust God. God brought us closer to him in prayers and in reading his word. He answered two of my prayers. My prayer to make us stronger and my prayer to provide this other opportunity for Paul to keep him out of Iraq.
Thank you for all of your encouragement and prayers. I will let you know if anything changes. Also just as a public announcement. I know I have already talked to several friends about being in my wedding. As of right now, all wedding plans are changed and/or "put on hold" until further notice. I'll be moving to Oklahoma after graduation. Either waiting for Paul's return or to be closer to him.
*Just remember that the Army is the Army. Nothing is final until its on paper and things are being done about it.
Keep praying
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
I've gone through several personal trials and every single time, my father reminded me of this verse. I was once again brought to this verse last night.
Two nights ago at our Wednesday night prayer meeting, Chris Metras read out of 1 Peter. It was a humble reminder that when we go through trials we are to bring all the glory to Christ. That night I went home and prayed to God our Father that both Paul and I as a couple would continue to grow and desire to serve Christ. God brought that opportunity the very next day.
Paul called me yesterday to inform me that he was going back to Iraq (most likely in November). The first thing that came to mind was my prayer and then I reminded Paul that we needed to trust God in this situation. Paul also told me of a possible "back door" out of this situation. It would involve re-enlisting. If he were to stay with his normal leave it would put his leave on hold and send him to Iraq for another year to a year and a half. If he re-enlisted and ask to transfer to the states, he would have two more years and more than likely not have to go to Iraq. Both of us encouraged each other to pray but in the end I encouraged him to go with the second choice. Paul received a lot of spiritual encouragement and advice from his dad and my dad.
I know an email was sent out to my church to pray and I thank you so much for praying. The Lord heard our prayers. This morning Paul informed me that it looked like he could be transfered to Texas. Monday he will go and re-enlist and hopefully next week sometime get more solid information about when and where he would go. Please keep praying for Paul. God has been gracious. I had to constantly remind myself that God was in control. There was nothing Paul or I could do. Except trust God. God brought us closer to him in prayers and in reading his word. He answered two of my prayers. My prayer to make us stronger and my prayer to provide this other opportunity for Paul to keep him out of Iraq.
Thank you for all of your encouragement and prayers. I will let you know if anything changes. Also just as a public announcement. I know I have already talked to several friends about being in my wedding. As of right now, all wedding plans are changed and/or "put on hold" until further notice. I'll be moving to Oklahoma after graduation. Either waiting for Paul's return or to be closer to him.
*Just remember that the Army is the Army. Nothing is final until its on paper and things are being done about it.
Keep praying
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
"The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow!"
Yes, the sun will come out tomorrow. Annie is coming to Rockford. Most of you will know what I'm talking about. Others, well I'm sure are lost. Annie is one of my best friends who I was roomates with in High School (Illnois School for the Deaf). She also lived with my family for a semester in Rockford. Currently Annie felt a need to be in a good church and around good friends. She felt she could find that here in Rockford. Annie fell in love with everyone at Morning Star Baptist and I'm sure the feeling is mutual for everyone at church. For a while we all struggled on knowing when Annie would finally be moving to Rockford. She is coming Saturday. Please pray as Annie starts her new job and gets everything moved in to our home. Annie has a meeting with people from work tomorrow (1-17-07) and she'll be stopping by to drop some of her things to the house. There are now four girls living in one house. Scary times are ahead. So far I have had no problems so I'm sure having Annie in the house will just be added fun and conversation. Welcome Annie!!!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Motivation to Move
This morning I was feeling so crummy that I didn't make it to church. I pretty much felt sorry for myself all day. I was actually quite pathetic. After doing my fair share of crying and sinning I realized that what I was doing was.. well.. sinning. So I prayed and asked God to give me grace to snap out of it. About three this afternoon, I took a shower and got ready for church. I still wasn't feeling the greatest but was determined to go to church. I needed it. I'm glad I did. The minute I entered the church doors I felt ten times better. Of course the sermon was something I needed to hear. Pastor Larry Pauly preached on motivation. Exactly what I needed! Its amazing the way God works. Knowing exactly what light bulb needed to be turned on in my head. Also being greeted by everyone in church was extremely uplifting. Earlier today I was feeling sick and homesick for my parents. By the end of the night I felt spiritually convicted and loved my family in my own church.
Lost and FOUND!
My luggage was returned to me at 10:45pm. I was thrilled yet very much tired when I got it last night. I went to bed and then woke up sick. I hate missing church. Hopefully I will be better by this afternoon and can go tonight. I haven't been to my church for 4 weeks! I miss everyone!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
I lost my carry on luggage?

Yes.. I did. Who knew that one was able to loose their carry on luggage by simply.. not getting it. Sighs. My luggage has yet to arrive home. Yesterday ended my four week vacation. I can easily say I'm happy to be home but I was sad to see Paul go. Another year of prayers and patience. I took on a carry on suitcase while flying back home with all of my "important" things. Just in case I was to loose the other suitcase that I had checked. Well.. when it came time to get off the plane and pick up my carry on luggage.. I didn't pick it up. I left it for the airport people. I didn't even noticed until I got down to the baggage claim and picked up my other suitcase. After filing a lost luggage report they told me they would bring it by my home tomorrow. Well... (sighs) today is tomorrow and still no luggage. I'm learning that even in the little things.. such as lost luggage God is in control. Along with the bigger things that God has put in our lives. So.. after calling Dad and being reminded of these things, I decided that there is nothing I can do. But have faith. Even in lost luggage, God is in control. I was trying to be God by dealing and controling the situation. Wake up call Barb! You're not God... so stop it.
Here are some other final pictures from my trip over the weeks. I'm very thankful for Paul's parents for making this trip possible. I'm also blessed by God for keeping us safe and granting us a wonderful time together.

Paul, Mercy and I making our gingerbread house
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