Saturday, December 23, 2006
The Painful Dance
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Mall Walking Moms
By the way each mom had a t-shirt with a slogan of some kind that explained who they were. For example, "Walking Stollers". I actually can't remember what it said but it was an actual "club" of some kind.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Today Paul and I are getting the Christmas tree and getting that up. Tonight some kids are coming from my dad's church. I am teaching a girl, Kendi, to sign "Silent Night, Holy Night". I know tomorrow my family and Paul are having Christmas together and watching a Christmas Story.
Well... I'm in engaged.. now what? Keep smiling. Thanks for the prayers, which I know many of you have been doing.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Party at the Cooks
I started my evening by driving to the Scotts' home and getting a ride with them. Barb Garard and driving to the Cook's in the dark is not a good combination. As we arrived not only us but everyone were greeted by two very excited dogs. We started our evening eating tons of great food. After eating we played a game called Four on a Couch. Which was truly funny. I played this game during my youth group days and I can remember this game getting violent for some reason but last night it was all calm. Just for the record, the ladies won! We sang Christmas songs and opened our while elephant gifts. (laughing) I have to tell you some of the gift ideas. First, someone brought a hard drive from some machine, it took us a while to figure it out. A couple more gifts were a little nut cracker that had a string on it and when you pulled on it one leg and both of the arms went up. Which was the highlight of the evening!! I just laughed and laughed. You had to see the thing with your own eyes to understand. After gifts Mr. Cook read to us some scripture. We read from James. The same passage that Jeremy Scott will be preaching out of this Sunday. After all our little events we sat around talking to one another enjoy each others compant and fellowship.
As we drove home several things came to mind. I was thinking about the wonderful time of all of us being together and enjoy each other but also... I was pondering upon the fact that I've never realized that Mr. Ascher was that funny.
I hope all of you at my church had a great time at your parties. I know I did. I thank the Cooks for opening their homes and for the people who have organized it.
Praying for Paul
To my friends and church family in Rockford, Paul will not be able to come. Traveling was getting complicated and it just made it easier to meet up in Oklahoma with my parents. I fly out next Wednesday. If anything comes up... I'll be sure to blog about it.. so keep you eyes open! ; )
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Pastor Goula
Most of you know about my church (Morning Star Baptist) and how we were heavily involved with sending members down to help rebuild some homes and help encourage people in that area after they were hit by the hurricane. One place that they went often was Pascagoula (sp?), Miss. After arriving down there and making several trips back and forth, members were standing up in church giving testimonies of how God has changed them and what they saw while down there. For a long time when they were saying, "We went to Pascagoula" or "We stopped at Pascagoula on the way" It never hit my little deaf ears that it was a city that they were talking about. For almost a year I thought they were talking about a pastor named Pastor Goula. It wasn't until about a month ago when my pastor shared a slide presentation with the church that had the name up on the screen under a picture of the city, "Pascagoula, Miss." It all made sense!!!! Wow...
So after sharing this story with everyone at the table, they were laughing really hard and convinced me that I needed to share this story with others.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Praying for Paul
Thank you everyone!!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Praying for Paul
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Praying for Paul
I know I had mentioned to you all before of Paul's plan to join the Coast Guard. He feels that God is laying another path in his life. He hasn't made any final decisions but he is considering them. He talked about possibly going to college and majoring in History/Literature. I happen to like this idea better but he knows that I'm supportive no matter what. So you can also pray for Paul as he seeks God's wisdom about these plans.
Also keep in your prayers Paul's brother Dan who is in the Navy. I know I have talked about him in the past as well. He is still waiting for his orders. For a while he thought he was going to get them but then they didn't give him any and he continues to wait. Which can be frustrating. Especially if you've been waiting as long as he has.
Thanks for all your prayers while Paul was in Iraq. Also thankyou to the ladies in the church who always asked about him and always reminded me that they were praying for him.
A Trip to the Past
Friday morning I showed up in the high school building and had lunch with the teachers. This was a time of them asking me questions and wanting to know what I was doing in my life. Saturday was the day of games. V-ball game and football game. After the games I went back to Penny's house and watched a movie and ate pizza. On sunday I went to church with Penny which is the same church that I attended when I went to high school down there. I saw more teachers and friends there. Then Sunday afternoon I went along with Penny to one of the teacher's baby shower. I had a good time there catching up with other people that I knew while attending high school.
Overall this trip was good. It made me realize several things. Even though ISD was considered my home when I was attending there it isn't my home anymore. I guess I thought I would recieve that "home" feeling once arriving but I found myself wanting to go home, here in Rockford. I also got a chance to truly thank some teachers for their help and setting an example for me. I had a chance to sit and talk with one of my teachers who is a Christian and encouraged me a lot while I was there. I know both my parents and I feel that Jamsie (the teacher) was one of the reason why I pulled through my last year there.
Here are some pictures!!

Jamsie, Shelia (Science teacher) and Me

Thursday, September 21, 2006
Praying for Paul
Paul had mentioned that they were actually told a date to be back in Germany. Which is very soon. So please pray that these dates are final and that he can soon get out of the place and safely.
Thanks for all of your prayers.
*Here is a recent picture of Paul. Not really sure about any details about the picture.

Sunday, September 10, 2006
Praying for Paul
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Garden of the Month
Then, dad screamed my name and mom waved her arms around.
Dad called Grace screaming and laughing. Grace then screamed and announced to Kurt and his parents.
Then he called his dad to shout the news.
Both of these phone calls consited of, "AHHHHH! HE HE HE HO HE HE HA HA HO HO. I WON. I WON. HE HE HE HA HA HA HO HO HE HE HE!!"
Yes, after all these years, dad finally won Signal Hill (neighborhood) 's Garden of the Month. Signal Hill which is the ever so clever name of our neighborhood has these "garden of the month" recognitions. This is where the "chairmans" go around looking at the different garden's of the neighborhood and put signs out in the garden that is deemed most worthy. Year after year the cute neighbor down the street got the sign. Well.. watch "cute neighbor" the old neighbor gets his chance to shine. So after many years of working in the garden its finally paying off.
Signal Hill's "Garden of the Month" -- Mr Mark Garard's home on 522 Napoleon St.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
There She Goes!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Well, I thought I would share with all of you how school is going so far. I'm taking Math 115, Child Psychology, Ceramics and Nutrition. They are all very interesting classes. I come home from Child Psych. telling my dad everything that he did wrong. Ha.. Dad doesn't care too much for it though. Neither do I. Its all "new agey" stuff of how we are suppose to let our kids be the adults of themselves and we are only there when they fall. I'm not saying its all bad just most of it. I sure hope my teacher doesn't read my blog. =) So overall God has blessed me with great teachers and fun classes. Just pray that this semester goes smoothly. After that I only have one semester left. Yay!!
*Eagles is RVC's mascot
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Birthday Morning
Friday, September 01, 2006
Inching his Way to 60
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Mispelled Word
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Praying for Paul
I'm going to be open about this, also pray for both Paul and I to seek God's wisdom concerning our relationship. We more than anything want to do God's will. We have been seeking wisdom and advice from our parents. I am suppose to share something with all of you readers of my blog but I'm at loss of how to put this exactly but dad wanted me to share this with everyone so that everyone is aware of Paul and I's relationship. I met Paul last year in early June. I started emailing him in November of the previous year. Simply because his parents had mention his lack of Christian friends so I thought I could drop a line. When talking through emails I kept it strict. I didn't know him and he didn't know me so I was careful. I often shared Pastor's sermons with him and my devotions and other weekly advents that linked with some sort of spiritual conviction. After meeting him well... things changed. I got to know Paul on a different friendship level and we started going out for coffee. He was only home for 3 weeks so only a better friendship was developed. Over time through emails we got to know each other better and knew that we were interested. I right away got my parents involved. I wanted their wisdom in all of this. In October of '05 Paul came home again for another couple of weeks and we took things a little bit furthur. Dad finally agreed for us to have our offical first date. Still in all of this my parents, friends, me and Paul were careful but it was at this time when dad gave us permission to be a "couple". Paul came home again in Jan and things continued to grow. Paul and I have continued to be careful considering the lack of time we have spent in actual presence but through letter writing, emailing and phone calls we have continued our "relationship" and have seen it grown. Recently.... Paul wrote a letter to dad of his "intentions". In this letter it included Paul's intentions of asking my dad for my hand in marriage when he came home this Christmas. He also talked about how he wanted to join the Coast Guard as a medic once leaving the Army. I'm sure you know what dad was thinking... "You want to take my baby girl to the coast away from me? Without getting to know me or me getting to know you?" Dad (and I) have prayed about this situation a lot. Plus dad has asked many trusted christian brothers for their advice. Dad finally has a letter ready to go in the mail as a response to Paul's letter. Its a long letter but positive and I can see that my dad is a Godly man who is doing his christian duty as a father in the response he gave Paul. It boiled down to getting to know Paul better, wanting Paul to be a strong Christian man, what he expected from Paul now until he came home and what he expected of Paul during his last year in the Army. Dad did say at the end of the letter.., "I don't plan on saying no, Paul. At least I don't have a reason. However it depends on what happens between now and until you come home."
So pray for Paul as he is in Iraq and prepares to come home and pray for Paul and I to seek and listen to both God and our parent's wisdom.
*Additional comments just email them to me.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Twice upon a Night
Friday, August 18, 2006
A Non-stop Flight to Fun
My U

After this trip I headed home for yet another 2 days before I headed out to West Virginia. I arrived in WV without my luggage. My luggage decided to hang out in Chicago for one more day and take the next flight after me. My luggage was thankfully returned to me the following day in the mid afternoon. Mrs. Calhoun, Mercy and I went shopping Saturday afternoon and had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. On the way home Mercy and I played a never ending game of 20 questions but we had our share of laughs. Sunday morning was church which once again I was blessed with a good sermon and a restful afternoons. Pretty much everyday of the week Mercy and I went swimming at the country club and played games. Several times during the week Mrs. Calhoun and I stayed up really late talking or looking through baby books of her kids. I got the opportunity to see all of these cute, funny, pitiful and adorable pictures of Paul. Ha. We even watched baby home videos of all the kids. I enjoyed watching them so much. Might I add that I did get a chance to talk to Paul shortly this week. He is doing ok but please continue to pray for him. Prayer is needed for those boys and girls over there in Iraq. We ended my trip by having dinner at the country club with a jazz band on a terrace. We had a buffet style dinner with all kinds of food. I had a lot of fun there too. Mercy and I sat on this hill on the grounds of the country club and talked for a long time about what the future may bring. I hated to leave them but I know I will see them again soon.
*Thank you to all of you for letting me visit you and making my trips so much fun. I love you all.
*In a couple of days I will have some pictures of Mel and I's trip to Chicago and some pictures from West Virginia.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Sleepless Night
Monday, July 31, 2006
Praying for Paul
I recieved a phone call from Paul today. It was nice to hear his voice and to know that so far he is doing pretty good for being in a war. Paul mentioned that if all goes as planned he will be coming home the first week of December and stays through for all the holidays. Continue to pray that these last several months go quickly and out of harm's way.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
A Vacation With Granma
Every morning we wake up with devotions. We've been reading out of Philippians. After Pastor Bob read the whole book to us on a Wednesday night service at church I was quite convicted. So I wanted to share my conviction with Granma. We are learning a lot together as we read through it. We also have daily readings that we go through. So we each take turns reading our "lessons" for the day. I have to say that its so enjoyable to have this time with her. I just love the fact that I have grandmother who is a Christian and has a passion for Christ. Its so nice and is a blessing that God placed her in my life.
As Wednesday ends I am reminded that there are still four days left of my vacation. Which means four days of silly nights with my Grandmother.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Praying for Paul
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Praying for the Military
Here is a picture of Will:

Thursday, July 06, 2006
Flowers from Iraq

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Praying for Paul
Friday, June 23, 2006
My Granma, My Best Friend
I don't tell you this enough, I love you. Throughout my childhood leading up to my adulthood you have set an example and I have looked up to you. I hope that one day I will have the same passion for God as you do. Just thinking of everything we have gone through brings tears and yet a little chuckle to my heart. Thankyou for being my Grandma who watched out for me and inspired me and thankyou for being my friend who laughed, cried and talked when it was needed. I love you.
Granma Garard is special to everyone who has met her. I know this because I have been told this by family and friends. Even my deaf friends who have met her, ask me when they email, "How is Grandma?" Even people who have never met her and have only listened to the stories I have told about my Grandma.
I had the privilage of "taking care'' of Granma during her chemo therapy when she first had to go through it. It was hard to see her struggle. This was a Granma who stood on her own two feet and ran a bed and breakfast. Nothing stopped this Granma. After chemo we would go back to the house and sleep or eat something if she could. We read our Bibles everyday and I would give Granma a lesson from various spiritual books I had brought. We had a "theme" for our time together as we prayed and read God's word. "Never fear an unknown future in the hands of a known God". I do believe this quote came from Corrie Ten Boom.
It was during this time when Granma and I grew together as friends. I learned so much from her by watching her and by listening to her. She is a beautiful person inside and out. I have also learned so much spiritually from her. Here she was going through cancer and chemo but always kept her eyes and her heart on the things of the Lord. My Grandma Garard has touched my heart and my life. I have gone to her several times asking for spiritual advice and what a joy to know that I can do that. Not only is she my Grandma but she is my best friend.

Thursday, June 22, 2006
Praying For Paul
Thursday, June 15, 2006
A New Fashion Trend

Monday, June 12, 2006
Anderson's Japanese Garden

Even though Rockford isn't a tourist town and there isn't much to do except shop there is one place that us Rockfordians can take pride in having, Anderson's Garden. Anderson's Garden is owned by this couple whose house can be seen while touring the Garden. This garden is based on a Japanese garden which is filled with all kinds of plants, waterfalls, ponds and fountains. Not to mention the really cool and unique bridges you get to walk over and the rocks you get to walk on. Today Karyn, Mel and I decided to go there and find our inner peace. Ha... I say that because the guy that we ran into (an employee) made us sit and exmine the trees and told us that people should come to bring harmony into relationships. I have to say I feel so much closer to Karyn and Mel. Wouldn't you agree girls? I had to bring some humor into this blog. Other than that weird moment we had a fun time. It was nice as friends to be able to walk around and enjoy our fellowship with each other. These pictures were taken by Karyn and I have to say, Miss Karyn, pretty impressive. This is one place in Rockford that everyone should make time to visit. I have to say for $5 its

Saturday, June 10, 2006
Wedding: Part Two

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Wedding: Part One

Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Praying for Paul
Friday, May 26, 2006
Adventures at the Metras

We started the evening with random shouting and talking over each other. We went outside because Cody wanted to show us something and now that I think of it.... Did he ever show us? Well we had to go past the creepy dog to get in the house and I must say the dog is cute but creepy. We had tacos for dinner. Our table talk once again consisted of random shouting and talking over one another. Once we finished we decided that we needed to be outside enjoying this beautiful day that God has given us. We wandered around the yard but eventually came to the decision of going to the "lake" at a near by park. I say "lake" because it was more like a green pond with "sharks". After all of us arriving in different groups we started to walk around the pond. While being eaten alive by little bugs Amanda spoted a "shark" in the pond. For a good 15 minutes we stare at the pond seeing fins going up and down. I came to the conclusion it was a catfish. Amanda's conclusion was sharks. Cody's conclusion was turtles. The rest of the kids liked the shark idea. We continued our walk. After walking over some bridges we spoted a dead fish. Quite facinating. After explaining that touching the dead fish wasn't a good idea, Ethan reaches down and pokes it. Now we must wash our hands. We get back to the hou

Friday, May 19, 2006
Girls Day Out

I was so excited getting out of bed Friday morning the 19th knowing that I would soon get to see my little Mercy friend. I introduced Mercy Calhoun on another blog I had posted about the Calhoun Family. They moved to West Virginia back in February and my little shopping buddy was gone but God was gracious enough to allow them to come up to Rockford for a quick visit. I was thrilled when I received an email from Dr. Calhoun saying they would come up on May 19th. Right away I cleared my schedule on that day and set it aside for Mercy.
They pulled into the Holiday Inn around 9:45am and it was so nice to see Mercy come running into my arms. We said goodbye to Dr. and then headed off to Woodmans. We picked up some sandwich stuff and bread and headed to the Fosters. Mercy is also good friends with Nancy and Sarah Foster. They were previous babysitters of hers. We drove to a park near their home and had a picnic lunch. After a great lunch we headed for the one place that we both love. The mall. We shopped their several hours. Got our pictures done in a fun booth. I just love those booths. Mercy and I made it a tradition to go in one of those every time we hit the mall. Sadly the day ended with me dropping her off at her friend's home to have a sleep over. I thought the fun was over then but then on Sunday Dr. Calhoun called me to meet them at the mall. I meet them at (I think) "Paint N Fun". I don't remember the exact name of the craft store. Its a place where you paint ceramics. Mercy had painted me this shirt with all of kinds of fun colors and put the word "shopper" on there. I think I need to work on how I influence people. Ha. "The Shopper" wasn't what I had in mind. Eventually the fun afternoon came to an end. I wasn't too sad seeing them go because I will be flying out to West Virginia this August to visit them. I can hardly wait!
Friday, May 12, 2006
A Short Reunion
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Praying for Paul
The prayers are needed.
Monday, May 01, 2006
The Definition of Friendship

1. A person whom one knows, likes and trusts
2. One who supports and sympathizes with
It wasn't until I became friends with Melody Geiseman when I finally realized what a "best friend" was. God brought Mel and I together as friends at a time when He knew we needed each other. During this time we went through a lot individually and together. One thing Mel never did and I know never will do is leave me behind. She has been with me every step of the way in prayer and in presence. When I left for school down in Jacksonville, Illinois she was the one friend that always wrote me letters. When I was in the hospital for 8 days under going tests she stayed all night one beside my bed in a chair that folded out into a bed. Just to give me comfort while I slept and because she knew I was scared. When I need a friend to pray with I know she is the first one there. If I ever need to cry and just vent she is always there ready to listen. If ever I am having a crazy hyper day and need someone to be crazy with me, I know I could call Melody up. Seriously, there is no limit when having a friend like Mel. If you want to lose weight and you tell Mel to help you, she will say, "Now Barb, should you really have that extra piece?" If you need accountablitity to read your Bible, Mel will make sure you get that. It's nice to know that Mel is just a phone call away when I need her. I want to thank Melody for her friendship. I know these past couple of years we have gone through a lot but our friendship has only grown stronger. God has truly blessed me with having her in my life. Now Mel, lets not go get lost in any forest reserves anymore, ok? I love you Melody!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Praying for Paul

First, I want to give a huge thankyou to all of you who have been praying for Paul. Paul has been in the army for almost two and half years now. He has been fighting a good fight. Even Paul himself has told me how God has used the army to change his life. Paul is in Iraq now as a SPC in the sniper unit. I know so many family and friends of mine have been praying for him and are constantly asking me how he is doing. Its very encouraging to hear all the prayers that are being lifted up to God for Paul's safety and heart. I was blessed this month with three phone calls from Paul. Which is rare so I was extremely excited to have these moments to talk to him. Its really nice to hear from him on a more personal level and to talk about things that were going on. I always try to bring a little bit of home in our conversations. Telling him about my schooling and about "Buddy" the dog going insane during a thunderstorm. For those of you who know my dog, knows what I am talking about. ;) Paul had mentioned that everyday life is pretty much getting up, going on partol, eating and checking his email. Then he starts his whole day over again. I was really encourage hearing about a month ago from him that while on patrol he was greeted by some children where he is stationed. He seemed to have enjoyed that moment. At the end of the same day him and other buddies were invited to a BBQ but they had to get back to base. I'm sure its moments like those that can put a smile on these guys over there. Today Paul mentioned that his sleeping arrangments have been changed due to lack of clean water where they currently were. He excitingly told me about moving into hospital tents that were cleaner. These are just some simple updates concerning Paul. I know many of you are praying for him. Not only I but also Paul and his family are extremely thankful. I know all of you will continue to do so. Also keep in mind Paul's brother Dan who is in the Navy and is going to Hawaii.
*Just note that I could have some of this information twisted. Most of you know that my lack of hearing can lead to different stories. Ha. As far as I know, this information is correct. :)
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Road Trip
There we were at 7 in the morning making our way down the highway. Lincoln here we come! Melody Geiseman and I took off to our day of fun in
Springfield, Illinois. Driving down there was no problem. After one potty stop we got there about 10:30 a.m. We were going to the Lincoln Library. I've been there one

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
The Calhoun Family

Back in the summer of 2004 a friend from church, Sarah Foster came and asked me if would I be interested in working with Faith. Faith and her family met Sarah through a previous church they both attended. After joining a new church she continued to work with Faith. During that summer of 2004 Sarah received an awesome opportunity to go to Northland Baptist Bible College. She needed someone to take her place with Faith. Faith is severely disabled. When one is working with her you must complete any normal morning routine that one would have. Including shower, getting dress, making the bed and then eventually eating lunch and having her daily meds. When Sarah first came to me, I will admit, I wasn't sure if I would be able to do the job. After meeting Faith and her family it was hard to say no. After the first of couple weeks of learning and getting to know Faith, I grew to love Faith and working with her. I even grew to love her family. They are an amazing family who have adopted four kids and raised them. They had one child of their own, Mercy. After a couple of months I really got to know Mrs. Calhoun. We opened up and shared stories, laughed and even cried. After working for them for almost a year I met their son, Paul, who was home on leave from Germany. Paul is in the Army. After a couple of "outings" of getting to know each other we started a new friendship. Just as that had started, Paul had to leave to go back to Germany. He came home one more time in October and then again this year in February. In October Paul and I started dating. Paul is currently in Kuwait. The Calhouns have another son who is in the Navy and is going to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. Early on this year I received the sad news that the Calhoun family was moving to West Virginia. I was happy that Dr. Calhoun did receive a job. Sarah Foster and I were sad to see them go. We both have grown close to the family. We both have shared how working with Faith has changed us a lot. I would ask you to please keep this family in your prayers as their sons are aboard and for their new home in West Virginia.
The Real Secrets of Cheese and Rice
Welcome to the Secrets of Cheese and Rice!
You may say to yourself, "Wow.. This chick must really love cheese and rice!" The answer to that is WRONG! My deaf friends would know right away what the story behind cheese and rice is. I graduated from Illinois School for the Deaf. During my senior year my friends would often find me in a heated discussion about the Bible with my fellow classmates. On many occasions I would forget to sign. I would get so excited that my hands couldn't keep up with me. On one occasion I was talking about Jesus Christ (calmly) to one of my friends. This friend was hard of hearing like myself and could understand if I didn't sign. While I was talking to my friend others around me were watching. My other, completely deaf friend, came up to me and asked me what I was talking about. I explained that I was talking about a story in the Bible that dealt with Jesus Christ and him dying on the cross. She looked at me and started laughing. Apparently she was trying to read my lips while I was talking. She thought I was talking about cheese and rice. Now you may ask yourself. How would one get cheese and rice from Jesus Christ. Go and stand in front of the mirror and without using your voice, say cheese and rice. Pretty bizarre, huh?
Later that week I shared the funny moment that my friends and I had with my teacher, Mrs. Jamsie Hurt. I went to church with Jamsie and often we would meet to pray or she would encourage me through out day by quoting verses. Well, one day we actually were confronted by someone for openly discussing prayer and God in the classroom. In fact when we met to pray it had to be before or after school hours and not in the presence of anyone in case of offending someone. So one day I was having a really bad day. My teacher said, "Barb, keep you chin up. Remember cheese and rice." Of course no one in the class really understood but we knew. That was all that mattered.