After visiting Granma Garard and just being around her in her company I was home for 2 days. Since I did 2 classes separately this summer at Rock Valley, my summer was just starting. Melody Geiseman and I headed to Chicago on a Wednesday morning to do our little day trip before I had to leave the next day to Florida. We were on a mission to see King Tut’s Tomb and visit a store that my dad requested us to stop by to "check out". Both of these let us down but left us either laughing or find some other adventure. Once we got off the train we started walking down to the 900 block of Michigan Ave. Might I add that we were on the other end near 800. Once we arrived at the store.... we were disappointed to find a puny little store with not much to offer. By that time it was time to go see King Tut’s Tomb. Something I had been looking forward to all day. As the bus was pulling into the museum we saw, "King Tut’s Sold Out". Now what? We walked to the Shedd Aquarium but there was a long outdoor line. Then we saw it.... "Water Taxi". We hoped on the water Taxi and headed to Navy Pier and finished our afternoon there. We stayed in a nice room at the Holiday Inn Express. The next day I was off to Florida.
My U

ncle Dan arrived to pick me up from the airport. I had my aunt and uncle to myself for most of my trip because their 3 boys were visiting their grandparents in South Carolina. Aunt Teri and I went running and did some exercising while I was there. We went to church on Sunday and I enjoyed it very much. On Monday we picked up the boys and drove to Sea World in Orlando. I had a blast there and was just blown away! I loved being with my 3 adorable cousins and spending time getting to know them a little bit better too. After a long day we headed home and I told stories until we found a place to eat dinner.
After this trip I headed home for yet another 2 days before I headed out to West Virginia. I arrived in WV without my luggage. My luggage decided to hang out in Chicago for one more day and take the next flight after me. My luggage was thankfully returned to me the following day in the mid afternoon. Mrs. Calhoun, Mercy and I went shopping Saturday afternoon and had dinner at a Chinese restaurant. On the way home Mercy and I played a never ending game of 20 questions but we had our share of laughs. Sunday morning was church which once again I was blessed with a good sermon and a restful afternoons. Pretty much everyday of the week Mercy and I went swimming at the country club and played games. Several times during the week Mrs. Calhoun and I stayed up really late talking or looking through baby books of her kids. I got the opportunity to see all of these cute, funny, pitiful and adorable pictures of Paul. Ha. We even watched baby home videos of all the kids. I enjoyed watching them so much. Might I add that I did get a chance to talk to Paul shortly this week. He is doing ok but please continue to pray for him. Prayer is needed for those boys and girls over there in Iraq. We ended my trip by having dinner at the country club with a jazz band on a terrace. We had a buffet style dinner with all kinds of food. I had a lot of fun there too. Mercy and I sat on this hill on the grounds of the country club and talked for a long time about what the future may bring. I hated to leave them but I know I will see them again soon.
*Thank you to all of you for letting me visit you and making my trips so much fun. I love you all.
*In a couple of days I will have some pictures of Mel and I's trip to Chicago and some pictures from West Virginia.
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