Saturday, March 10, 2007

Typical Day in the Kitchen

I just had to share this little story with you. When I'm in one of my "moods" I tend to get careless and goofy. Both Mel and I were in the kitchen doing our own things. Mel was getting ready to do the dishes and I was getting left over soup for lunch. Before starting the dishes Mel decided to eat a cookie. She pops a cookie in her mouth as she starts the dishes. I go to open the bowl with the soup and "blerrrrp" (the actual sound it made) onto the stove. There goes the soup. As I spill Mel is screaming of hair in her mouth. Of course this freaked her. Not caring about her soapy hands she sticks her fingers in her mouth and realizes she now has apple green dish soap taste. Which is worse... hair... soap?? I wonder. Finally she succeeds in getting the hair out but now Mel is rinsing her mouth out because of the soap taste. In the mean time my soup is warming up in the microwave and the timer goes off. I reach in and grab the bowl. AHHHH!! HOT!! So I ran to the stove, practically spiiling my soup again but I managed. In the mean time Mel and I realized what happened in a matter of five minutes and shared a good laugh. : )


Anonymous said...

tipel day indeed!That is so barb!At lest you learned from the cream-of-wheat about hot things(barb, you should know what I'm talking about)!

Karyn said...

Now I know what happens when I am not home!