I was sitting in my room talking to Paul on the phone. As we were in deep discussion I heard a knock on my door. I looked and Mel with quite an expression on her face said, "There is a squirrel on the basement stairs!"
At first I had to repeat what she said a couple of times, just to make sure. I hung up with Paul and ran down the stairs. As I arrived downstairs Mel was putting garden gloves on and was going to lure it into a bag. I looked down the stairs and saw a bushy tail and then a head. Two eyes looking at me. I decided to call dad. The advice he offered was not to do what Mel had in mind. After hanging up with dad, Mel and I created a plan. A plan that had to work.
We have a white dresser that sits in the dining room. We moved it in front of the kitchen door so it couldn't go into the dining room. I got a chair from the dining room so I could stand on it. The fear of the squirrel eating my ankles overwhelmed me. Mel sat on the counter with the broom. I had the mop. I opened the basement door and the squirrel wasn't moving. So we stood outside on the back porch... waiting... nothing. I decided to wait in the recycle bin.. overwhelmed once again of the thought of having my ankles nawed on. After some time went by of waiting, I went back inside and stared at him on the stairs.
Finally it came into the kitchen. I quickly shut the basement door and it crawled under a small bookshelf. I moved outside again while Mel with the broom (while standing on the chair) trying to push it out. Eventually it came out and didn't really know what to do with itself. He ran under the oven which was set at 400 degrees. ROASTED SQUIRREL!! Mel came up with the brilliant plan of feeding it dog treats. The squirrel was really into Buddy's pink ball and followed it around. Mel stuck the treats on the floor and it chomped away. During all of this the squirrel kind of squandered and Mel screamed and scurried to the left and right.
My final move was to the backstairs (by the back door) and the squirrel went out the door. People the squirrel has left the building!
Why do these things keep happening to you?
your cousin don has a squirrel tape/cage, need it? we have 2 squirrels who love to think they are birds and hang on our feeders hopeing we will not notice the bushy tails, they have names steve and bob lol loved your tale south carolina says hi
I wonder how he/she got in?The squirrels reside at our feeders and are NOT AFRAID of us at all!If we tap the window they eather ignore us or stare at us through the glass.you have to be like 2 ft. away(outside) to make them move of the feeder!Once one was on a ledge by the house and was walking aloge,stoping and staring at us!Squirrels are intrusting.Could anyone tell?
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