Monday, June 04, 2007

Things have been moving right along here in Enid. Lots of things going on and at the same time..... not enough to keep my busy.

I love being involved in my dad's church, let alone being with my family at church. I have enjoyed getting to know the members there at Westside and as far as I can tell, they like me! : )

I have applied to several places hoping to get a job for the summer but no one has called yet. I'm thinking tomorrow I'm going to make a run to some of these places and just talk to someone in person. I really need a job. I was hoping to save up money so that Paul and I can have money to put a down payment on our apartment in Lawton. He is hoping to get something in July so that its all ready to go by the time I move there. Something you guys can pray for. :)

I'm actually expecting to go to Lawton in a couple of weeks. I need to take my resume to Human Resources and do some other things while in town. I've met a few people there on post already. There was a particular couple that I enjoyed meeting. Lawton is an interesting place. I wouldn't say its the most beautiful city in America but its where God has led Paul so for that I'll be thankful.

Grace and I have been going to Monday night bible study with some of the local girls in Enid and one girl (Kendi) from our church. Grace has been leading it. Last week we got a list of the attributes of God and we had to look up verses that described these things. This week we got names of God. We looked up a few during bible study and talked about them and then closed with a prayer. For the next week we have to look up the other verses and find verses on our own and bring them to bible study next week. I've been really enjoying this bible study. I especially have been enjoying meeting different people. Most of these girls are in high school. There is also another leader from another baptist church in town who has been helping, Wendy. Her and Grace are about the same age and have become friends.

I do ask that you'll keep some of these things in your prayers. Thank you my friends for emailing me and staying in contact with me (Rockfordians). I feel loved and missed.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Keep the updates coming. I always enjoy keeping up to date on your blog. I am glad that you are making yourself a home there, though temporary.